I am conducting a research to find a way how to translate the English expression "of XXX" into German.
A have found that there are three different options to express it (sometimes only some, sometimes all can be used).
- a compound noun
- "von"
- genitive case
Let's consider these 5 sentences (numbered 1 to 5) and their 3 options:
"the color of the car"
- die Autofarbe
- die Farbe von dem Auto (die Farbe vom Auto)
- die Farbe des Autos
"the photo of the car"
- das Autofoto
- das Foto von dem Auto (das Foto vom Auto)
- das Foto des Autos
"the photo of you"
- das Dufoto - I think that is a nonsense.
- das Foto von dir
- das Foto des dein - I think that is a nonsense too.
"the president of France"
- der Frankreichspräsident
- der Präsident von Frankreich
- der Präsident des Frankreichs
"the beauty of Prague"
- die Pragschönheit
- die Schönheit von Prag
- die Schönheit des Prags
My conclusion here: it is not possible to state a rule for every expression. (E.g. "photo of XXX" should be translated only using b) in the 3) sentence, but in the sentence 2) all options a, b and c are possible - it also depends on what you are taking a photo of.)
- What are your thoughts about these sentences?
- What is your idea of a rule how to translate "of XXX" into German?
- A German friend has suggested the option "Frankreichs Präsident". Is this a form of the genitive? If yes, where is the word "des" here missing (same for "Prags Schönheit")?