Part 1: about the German expletive »es«
The word »es« in sentences like
Es regnet. Es gibt eine Lösung. Es fährt ein Zug nach nirgendwo.
It rains. There is a solution. There is a train traveling to nowhere.
is called »expletive« in English and »Expletivum« in German grammar. In English also the term »expletive subject« is very common, but in German this word is not always the subject: The subject of »Es fährt ein Zug nach nirgendwo.« is not »es« but »ein Zug«. In English you have two expletive words: it and there (see my examples above), but German has only one: es.
The German expletive »es« appears in two variations, that are very similar:
- A real grammatically subject without any semantic meaning.
If this is the case, then it also can appear at position 3 (i.e. behind the verb). So it's not there, to fill position 1 of a sentence. It really is a subject in the sense of grammar/syntax, but it still is meaningless in the sense of semantics.
(Experts argue about whether it is really absolutely meaningless, but the majority is of this opinion.)
Es regnet. Gleich wird es regnen.
- Just a placeholder whose only function is to fill the otherwise empty position 1 (the place before the verb).
If this is the case, the sentence contains a meaningful subject on position 3. When this subject is moved to position 1, the expletive disappears:
Es fährt ein Zug nach nirgendwo. Ein Zug fährt nach nirgendwo.
Part 2: German sentences without a syntactic subject
All sentences discussed in part 1 contain a part of speech in nominative case that corresponds with the inflected verb (which stands at position 2) in number (singular/plural) and person (1st, 2nd, 3rd person). This is the syntactic definition of a subject. Subjects also stand either immediately before or immediately after the verb (i.e on position 1 or 3), but this is a consequence of being the subject, it's not a defining property. (But knowing this can be helpful to identify the subject within a longer sentence.)
But sentences like
- Bitte bleibt noch ein wenig! Bring den Müll runter! Geht!
- Mich friert. Ist dir langweilig? Mich interessiert seine Geschichte.
do not contain such an element. These are subjectless sentences. There is nothing missing in these sentences, so they are not ellipses (incomplete sentences) like »Mir nichts, dir nichts« or »Je früher, desto besser«.
The sentences in category 1 contain a verb in imperative form, 2nd person and they use the informal "du" form. If a sentence is a statement or a question and uses the verb in 2nd person in the informal "du" form, then the subject is either »du« (if it's singular) or »ihr« (if it's plural), but this subject is omitted in imperative sentences (if the sentence is a command, advice or request).
If the imperative verb is in 1st person (»Gehen wir!«; adhortative) or if the sentence uses the formal "Sie" form (»Gehen Sie!«), then the subject must be given.
The sentences in category 2 do not use the imperative mode. They are plain statements. But they describe purely subjective and individual feelings or emotions of the speaker, that nobody who is not the speaker, can objectively experience. If you want to express something like that, there are two patterns that you can use which both don't need a subject:
Pattern 1: Dative object + copula verb + adjective
Dem Mann wird kalt.
Ihr ist langweilig.
Of course, you can also form such sentences in other tenses and add other elements to them. (»Dem Mann auf der Parkbank wird sicherlich bald ziemlich kalt werden.«) But for some adjectives, this pattern must be extended by a mandatory object or object clause:
Ihm blieb unklar, warum sie lachte.
Pattern 2: Accusative object + verb (+ object if the verb demands it)
Mich friert.
Ihn graust vor Spinnen.
Mich interessiert seine Geschichte.
Mich würde mal interessieren, was die so verdienen.
This second pattern is used more rarely than pattern 1 and limited to a small number of verbs (frieren, frösteln, schaudern, grausen, interessieren; I didn't find any more). And in idiomatic sentences the accusative object is very often a personal pronoun, although also sentences like »Den Mann friert« are correct.
Part 3: Do subjectless sentences need an expletive »es« to be complete and correct?
The simple answer is: NO. All subjectless sentences, as described in part 2, are absolutely correct and entirely proper German sentences. Nothing is missing in these sentences.
Is it possible to add an expletive »es« to these sentences?
Sometimes this is allowed, but sometimes not. If the sentence is an imperative sentence, then it is never allowed to add an expletive »es«.
But if it is a statement that has an agent in dative or accusative case (Sentences that I labeled as "category 2" above), then it is allowed. It is an option. You can decide to choose this option, but there is no compulsion to do so. In everyday language, you almost always refrains from choosing this option.
But this option is not a special feature of subjectless sentences. This can also be done with almost all sentences that have a proper subject.
Here are some song and movie titles, that use this pattern:
Ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann tanzt in unserem Haus herum.
Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann in unserem Haus herum.1
There is a bi-ba-bogeyman dancing around in our house.
Ein Ros ist entsprungen.
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen.2
There has a rose grown.
Ein Zug fährt nach nirgendwo.
Es fährt ein Zug nach nirgendwo.3
There is a train traveling to nowhere.
Ein Reif fiel in der Frühlingsnacht.
Es fiel ein Reif in der Frühlingsnacht.4
There fell a frost in the spring night.
Kein Weg führt zurück.
Es führt kein Weg zurück.5
There is no way back.
1German children's song. Melody and lyrics on Wikipedia
2German christmas carol. Melody and lyrics on Wikipedia »Ein Ros« is an outdated form of »eine Rose« (a rose) and the meaning of »entspringen« in this special context is to come up, to blossom.
3German "Schlager" (hit song) from 1972. Video on YouTube
4German folk song. Melody and lyrics on Wikipedia. There is also a silent movie from 1915 with the same title. Wikipedia
5German title of the American move »The Lost Man«. Wikipedia