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Unterschied - Questions on differences between similar or seemingly similar words or expressions in a given context.

5 votes

Difference between "treffen" and "treffen auf"

Treffen usually refers to meeting people. Treffen auf refers to a chance encounter and doesn't have to be used with people: Ich treffe mich mit Hans. Die Geschäftspartner trafen sich zu einem Gespräc …
Ingmar's user avatar
  • 19.3k
4 votes

Difference between "um" and "umher"

These are different words: gehen (to go, to walk) and umhergehen (to perambulate). You are either walking around the park, or walking around in the park.
Ingmar's user avatar
  • 19.3k
1 vote

Anwesenheit....simple presence or more than that?

I'm afraid you are reading too much into this. Anwesenheit simply means presence without any further connotations. If you are looking for a slightly different meaning, perhaps Präsenz might be a bette …
Ingmar's user avatar
  • 19.3k
17 votes

'gemeinsam' vs. 'beisammen' vs. 'zusammen' vs. 'miteinander'

They all mean together, somehow, but you can't all use them in the same sense. I'll try to give you a few examples: Gemeinsam means together, united, as a community: Wir müssen das gemeinsam tun …
Ingmar's user avatar
  • 19.3k
3 votes

Unterschied zwischen »festnehmen« und »verhaften«

Es mag einen juristischen Unterschied geben (anhalten wäre auch noch eine Möglichkeit), aber in der Presse und dem Alltagsgebrauch handelt es sich um vollständige Synonyme. Nachtrag aus österreichisc …
Ingmar's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the difference between Merkmal, Eigenschaft and Charakter?

There is certainly some overlap, but let me try. Charakter first: It can mean character, or personality. Basically it refers to how a person (or animal) is, what defines them, their nature. It's more …
Ingmar's user avatar
  • 19.3k
2 votes

Difference between “an” and “neben”

The main difference is the space between the to objects: an requires that they literally touch. …
Ingmar's user avatar
  • 19.3k
6 votes

What's the difference between "untersuchen" and "analysieren"?

Analysieren means a methodical inspection/investigation: an analysis. Untersuchen is a broader, more general term and means looking into an issue. An Untersuchung can well lead to findings and result …
Ingmar's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the difference between "zugleich" and "gleichzeitig"?

There is no significant difference in my opinion. Lately "zeitgleich" has been used a lot as well. …
Ingmar's user avatar
  • 19.3k
1 vote

Wasser siedet oder Wasser kocht?

Der Siedepunkt ist jene Temperatur, an dem Wasser vom flüssigen in den gasförmigen Zustand übergeht. Das passiert zunächst in der Nähe der Wärmequelle, also am Boden des Topfes: Wasser wird gasförmig …
Ingmar's user avatar
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4 votes

Difference between "zurzeit" and "bis jetzt"

"Zurzeit" means right now, at this moment, presently, currently: Das Geschäft ist zurzeit geschlossen. The store is currently closed. "Bis jetzt" means so far, until now, (not) yet. Bis jetz …
Ingmar's user avatar
  • 19.3k
6 votes

What's the difference between "instabil" and "unstabil"?

In a general context, at least, there is no difference in meaning; I would (and do, for what it's worth) use instabil exclusively. …
Ingmar's user avatar
  • 19.3k
5 votes

Unterschied: fremder Gedanke vs. fremdartiger Gedanke

As I see it, the main difference between fremd and fremdartig, when put together like this, is that fremd means simply alien or foreign, in the sense of belonging to some external, third party, whereas …
Ingmar's user avatar
  • 19.3k
1 vote

"far too early" : is it "allzu früh" or "viel zu früh"?

The standard expression is viel zu früh. Allzu is not technically wrong, but definitely outdated / poetic. Also, it only really works in general expressions: Allzu früh verschied der Dichter ... t …
Ingmar's user avatar
  • 19.3k
3 votes

Enorm, riesig und gewaltig - der Unterschied

Nicht direkt, obwohl man nicht immer jedes Wort in jedem Kontext benutzen kann; manchmal passt eines einfach besser, oder es handelt sich um feststehende Redewendungen. Die Parallele zu gigantic, enor …
Ingmar's user avatar
  • 19.3k

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