- "Ich habe frei"
You say this possibly as an answer:
"Do you have to work next monday?" - "no, i'm on holiday" |
"Musst du nächsten Montag arbeiten?" - "nein, ich habe frei/Urlaub/Ferien" | "Ich habe frei"
[ frei = free | Urlaub = holiday | Ferien = school holiday ]
- "Frei habe ich ..."
There is missing the second part of this sentence. When you just say "frei habe ich" you point to a part of a sentence you do not say. Everybody in German would ask back, "wann?" - "when?".
Correctly you'd say "Frei habe ich am Montag, denn da ist Feiertag." |
"free I have on Monday, which is a public holiday"
- "Ich bin frei"
You say only that you are free, "ich bin frei" when you want to share your time, like when someone likes to dance with you, or asks you to share your time. Or once everything is done,... "I'm finished" "i'm free" "it's done"
- "Frei bin ich ..."
This you say when someone asks you if you have time, and you do not have free time at the moment, but again every german would wait till you finish your sentence like:
"Ab wann sind sie wieder Frei?" / "Ab wann haben sie Zeit?" - "Frei bin ich in einer Stunde" / "in einer Stunde habe ich Zeit"