I'm trying to translate service disruption in the context of malware, specifically botnets.
This paper describes what botnets are used for:
Botnets used for information collection, distributed computing, service disruption, fraud, add-on and spreading.
(Emphasis: mine)
Service disruption is explained later on like this:
Botnets try to make a negative impact on service readiness and continuity
To me it seems pretty clear that the author is talking about denial of service attacks here. But those are mentioned in the following section describing botnet attacks. So I'm looking for a generic term for denial of service attacks.
Right now I'm just translating the second sentence to describe the word service disruption:
Botnetze werden eingesetzt, um die Verfügbarkeit anderer Dienste negativ zu beeinflussen.
But maybe there's a shorter, more elegant solution to this.