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3 answers

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Genitiv und Nomenkompositum?

Manchmal können wir Genitiv durch ein Nomenkompositum (und umgekehrt) ersetzen. die Tür des Hauses die Haustür Gibt es einen semantischen Unterschied zwischen den beiden Formulierungen? Nach meinem ...
Infinity's user avatar
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When to use Spielzeug vs. Spielzeuge, plurals with other -zeug words

DeepL gives Ich gebe meinen Kindern Spielzeug. as a possible translation of "I'm giving toys to my children." This seems odd though since "toys: is plural in English but the translation ...
RDBury's user avatar
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Is it "Vierergruppe" or "Viergruppe", or is there a distinction?

I have come to accept that I will never fully understand the formation of compound nouns in German. But I would like some information about one particular example. Die Kleinsche Vierergruppe is an ...
FredH's user avatar
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“Eine Flasche Wasser” versus “Eine Wasserflasche”

My German teacher (a native German) taught us that eine Flasche Wasser means that the bottle is either full or still had some liquid in it. However, eine Wasserflasche means it’s an empty bottle of ...
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