I'm preparing a presentation and want to start to it with something like:
Firstly i want give some basic information about this topic.
I have found the word Basiswissen but it didn't seem right to me.
How can I say the sentence above in German?
I'm preparing a presentation and want to start to it with something like:
Firstly i want give some basic information about this topic.
I have found the word Basiswissen but it didn't seem right to me.
How can I say the sentence above in German?
I would use
grundlegende Informationen.
Den Grund legen means in this context something like building the fundament (the base) / setting the scene so your audience will understand what you are talking about.
Beginnen möchte ich mit ein paar grundlegenden Informationen zum Thema.
Since a presentation is known to give nothing but information,
Grundlagen, see DWDS
seems sufficient. Depending on the context, i. e. the topic of your presentation,
is also frequently used for describing a solution approach of some kind.