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Can possessive pronouns ever come on their own after a noun?

I was wondering whether it might be possible to formulate a phrase in German using the syntax mentioned in the question above - or more precisely, whether this would be considered a valid formulation ...
fruitless fruit juice's user avatar
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Diese Leiche und seine Umstände

I am reading "Der nasse Fisch" in German on my Kindle, (making much use of the German-English dictionary). This particular paragraph in the book confuses me: "Diese Leiche ist perfekt! ...
Steve's user avatar
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"deren" vs. "ihres" to mark ownership

Under the usage of der/die/das as a demonstrative pronoun, lists the usage of dessen/deren to mark ownership clearly. As an example, the site gives - Herr Müller geht mit Anton und seiner ...
Satish Vasan's user avatar
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In "Was isst du am liebsten", what's the explanation of "du am liebsten", instead of "deine am liebsten"?

I've just started to learn German, and I encountered this sentence: Was isst du am liebsten? The translation, according to he video that I'm learning from, is What's your favourite food? But ...
Reza Sameei's user avatar
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How to use possessive relative pronoun combined with case(nominative, dative,..) and gender(male,female)? [closed]

Forgive my ignorance, I didn't study through a serious German Grammar book yet but I will someday. I have a sample statement below for which I have a question. Das ist der Freund, dessen Foto ...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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Anerkannte Klassifikation von Possessivpronomina im Deutschen

Ich unterrichte wieder einmal Deutsch und die Kleinen haben viele Schwierigkeiten mit den Pronomina. Ich lehre gern natürlich und ohne zu viel Grammatik, welche nicht meine Stärke ist, aber ich glaube ...
Ludi's user avatar
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Use of article instead of possessive: "die" vs "seine"?

I've been working on my German recently by reading through a book, originally in English, translated into German, and I keep coming across some phrasings that look very strange to me. For instance, ...
Benubird's user avatar
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Difference between "ihr" and "dessen"

If I want to say: “He is their son”, which is correct: Er ist ihr Sohn. Er ist deren Sohn. What is the difference (if any) between ihr and deren in the meaning of their?
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