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Übersetzungen – Questions on issues with translating from or into German. Use with care as these questions are very likely to be closed as a translation request, which would be off topic. Don't use this tag on phrase requests or proverb analogies.

4 votes

How to translate "case folding" (IT, computers)

Ich suche eine passende Übersetzung bzw. die dt. Variante Deutsche IT-ler tendieren dazu die englischen Begriffe einfach zu übernehmen anstatt sich neue auszudenken. Das gilt vor allem für "neuere" …
mtwde's user avatar
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0 votes

What does "Brennersperrzeit" mean in the context of a hot water/heating system?

Valliant, a well-known company for heating systems, mentions this in its English instructions (German insructions) as Burner anti-cycling time This website explains the term as follows To prevent t …
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2 votes

How to say "custom-made products?"

Most common translations are individuell gestaltetes/gefertigtes Produkt personalisiertes Produkt maßgeschneidertes Produkt or Produkt nach Kundenwünschen Depending on context you can also say …
mtwde's user avatar
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9 votes

What would the correct German lyrics of „Soft Kitty” in The Big Bang Theory be?

Hubert's answer is fine, but I would like to add that the German synchronization uses another song. Every time someone sings "Soft Kitty" it's in German a variation of "Der Katzentatzentanz" by Fred …
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12 votes

What do these abbreviated book descriptions mean?

The page you are linking to has a list of abbreviations (Abkürzungsverzeichnis) in which some abbreviations are explained, e.g. Ln. - Leinen (linen) Hln. - Halbleinen (semi-linen*) SU - Schutzumschla …
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1 vote

Prägnante deutsche Übersetzung von "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."

Die Frage ist alt und es gibt schon viele Antworten, aber hier das entsprechende Zitat aus der offiziellen Jobs-Biografie auf deutsch - ISBN 978-3-641-07462-3. Jobs wurde ein Fan dieses Katalogs [Who …
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2 votes

Die Übersetzung von "the Primary Health care center of the University"

Solange man nicht genau weiß, was das Zentrum alles bietet und wie groß das Gebäude ist, finde ich die Übersetzung als "Zentrum für (die) medizinische Grundversorgung" am besten. Erste Hilfe Station o …
mtwde's user avatar
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4 votes

How to Translate this Handwriting into Legible Text

edit: thx to @tofro & @Beta , i added your suggestions for the missing words It is really hard to read, but let's try 1st line: nach Abtlg.: Danhardt (surname?), Lehrling, 3202 2nd line: 2 …
mtwde's user avatar
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3 votes

Best words to notify that something is being sent in a web form

HCI (Human-Computer-Interaction) is never easy. Thinking of HCI and different languages, cultures, etc. while considering different user types and their knowledge + behaviour becomes very difficult. Y …
mtwde's user avatar
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9 votes

Apperoseife - meaning

As said in the comments there is presumably nothing like "Apperoseife" or maybe it refers to the manufacturer, but lets play Sherlock Holmes and take a wild guess: clue a) IndustrieArchäologie 2/2014' …
mtwde's user avatar
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6 votes

How is the "common practice period" (1650-1900) called in German musicology?

You could call the common practice period Klassische Musik and the man on the street wouldn't bat an eye, even though it's technically incorrect. The common practice period covers the eras of Baroque …
mtwde's user avatar
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2 votes

How to express ‘cliffhanger’ in German

There is another plot device in German. It's not perfect but well ... Offenes Ende / Offener Schluss (open end) An offenes Ende is the end of a book/movie/etc where the author doesn't tell how t …
mtwde's user avatar
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5 votes

Lach- und Machtgeschichten zur Lage der Nation

The more or less official translation is Stories to laugh and learn. … Of course most of the time there is no need for a literal translation, but one which expresses the originals meaning. So ... maybe you can think of another children TV show's catch phrase, e.g. …
mtwde's user avatar
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16 votes

German equivalent to "I rest my case"

Lets take a look what "I rest my case" means Cambridge Dictionary says: said when you believe that something that has just happened or been said proves that you are right or telling the truth ​ …
mtwde's user avatar
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15 votes

Idiomatische Übersetzung für "Enter, X"

Das Idiom "Enter" stammt aus der Theatersprache. Shakespeares Macbeth beginnt etwa mit SCENE I. A desert place. Thunder and lightning. Enter three Witches Enter ist hier eine Regieanweisung und bede …
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