In the recent Ohrwurm "Geiles Leben" by Glasperlenspiel, the following verses can be heard (at 0:24):
Was du heute kannst besorgen
Das schiebst du ganz entspannt auf morgen
I have never come across Was SUBJECT
either in spoken or written form before; How can this sentence be analyzed syntactically? — For myself (albeit not a native speaker), a different permutation of the words above is completely acceptable and unremarkable:
Was du heute besorgen kannst — Das schiebst du ganz entspannt auf morgen.
Despite the original verse being "wrong" to me, I can find the usage of SVO word order in dependent clauses acceptable, but only with the word weil when responding to a(n either explicit or implicit) question (cf. Weil das ist ein Nebensatz). Is this the same phenomenon being generalized, or is there another explanation?