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Präfix - A prefix is a part of a word which is placed before the root.

9 votes

When is using "sau-" for emphasis inappropriate?

The aggravating prefix "sau-" is considered as colloquial the most. You would not use it in other than a family or friends setting. …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
7 votes

Verb form of the adjective mild?

In case of a letter that may be a little too harsh or strongly worded there is a German equivalent: In seinem Schreiben übte er scharfe Kritik an den gestrigen Beschlüssen. Therefore a quite com …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
12 votes

Explanation of the prefix "er"

: The prefix er- is derived from a tonal weakening of the Old High German prefixes ur-, ar-, ir-, and er-, which mostly turned to er- in Middle High German. … Originally, the Germanic prefix ur- was used for epressing "aus" (i.e. out of, from within, originating), which is still seen in "heraus". This prefix did not make its way into English. …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
11 votes

Are “zu-” and “ein-” special prefixes widely used to form new verbs?

According to this nice summary at we have separable prefixes: verb and prefix are separated on inflection. ab, an, auf, aus, bei, dar, ein, fehl, für, inne, los, nach, rück, vor, wieder, zu … A useful source is the DWDS where we can search for prefixes by adding a hyphen to the prefix in the sarch field. …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
17 votes
1 answer

What is the origin of the prefix "schwarz-"?

In German the prefix "schwarz-" is often used to depict something illegal like: Schwarzfahrer Schwarzarbeit Schwarzgeld Is there any specific origin for using black in this context? …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
9 votes

Is there a dictionary for verb meanings with different prefixes?

A dictionary providing all forms of prefixes to a given verb with appropriate translations will lead to rather lengthy lists because there are so many. Let me therefore suggest the following approach …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
10 votes

Gab es früher mal ein Verb "untergeben"?

Im Deutschen Wörterbuch von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm finden sich noch folgende Bedeutungen UNTERGEBEN, v.: a) in obhut, pflege geben b) unterordnen c) im kartenspiel eine niedrigere kar …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
14 votes
2 answers

What is the original meaning of the augmentative "stock-"?

For several adjectives we can build an augmentative by adding the prefix "stock-" Gestern Nacht war es hier stockfinster. Stocksteif bleib er stehen und bewegte sich nicht von der Stelle. …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
12 votes
3 answers

Wo leitet sich das verstärkende Präfix "stink-" her?

Erst in neuerer Zeit findet man das verstärkende Präfix "stink-" zu verschiedenen Adjektiven: stinksauer stinkreich stinknormal ...und noch viele mehr. Ist etwas darüber bekannt, woher dieses …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
8 votes
2 answers

What is the origin of the prefix "Mords-"?

Where does this prefix "Mords-" come from? Is it in any way related to "Mord" (i.e. murder)? …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
10 votes

What are the origin & possible meanings of the ver- prefix?

There is a most conclusive article on the etymology and usage of the prefix "ver-" in the "Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Deutschen (nach Pfeifer)": ver- Präfix bei Verben und zugehörigen Nomina [. … A similar etymology has the English prefix for- (like in "forbidden"). …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
1 vote

Reference work on prefixes, suffixes, etc

As we may have other questions on that topic. There is a quite concise online source for the concepts of German prefixation available in German, and (partly) translated to English: Canoo Net: Wortbild …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
17 votes
4 answers

What's so bad about dogs?

In colloquial German we often use the prefix "hunds-" or "hunde-" to aggravate a negative attribute from various adjectives, e.g. …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
8 votes
1 answer

Wie entstand aus "Sicht" die "Zuversicht"?

Schon länger frage ich mich, wie man die Etymologie von "Zuversicht" erkärt. Im Duden wird knapp aufgeführt mittelhochdeutsch zuoversiht, althochdeutsch zuofirsiht Duden und auch das Etymologisc …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
9 votes
2 answers

How is the prefix "uber-" differently used in German vs. English?

In English usage the prefix "über" (loaned from German) has the meaning of: über-, uber-: denoting an outstanding or supreme example of a particular kind of person or thing. …
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k

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