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"am meisten + Partizip 2" vs. "superlative of Partizip 2"

Using "am meisten" to elevate a participle to the superlative (as it is done in English) would be an Anglicism - the superlative of "das gefürchtete" is, indeed, "das ...
tofro's user avatar
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5 votes

Why is the preposition required here?

You are intending a superlative in adverbial/predicative use (so a lowercase initial letter is required). The superlative is formed with am, as shown in examples (see e. g. lingolia: Friederike ...
guidot's user avatar
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gender of superlative

The gender of gender-flexible items aligns to the gender of the noun they refer to. This is a general rule. But there are corner cases. du bist der Schnellste This refers to someone of arbitrary ...
Janka's user avatar
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When can I use der/die/das: Need help understanding

Es and das at the beginning of a main clause are often expletives — fillers. They don't refer to any particular item in the clause directly. So they are not declined to match that item. But they are ...
Janka's user avatar
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Guidance on comparatives and superlatives with optional umlauts

There is no difference in meaning between the versions that add an Umlaut and those that don't. There is also, likely, no difference in register between the two versions. There may be a bit more of a ...
tofro's user avatar
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When can I use der/die/das: Need help understanding

Der, die, das - the articles - are a bit more versatile than their English counterpart the. They can perform the following functions: the article function Der Mann ist gross Die Frau hält das Kind ...
tofro's user avatar
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When can I use der/die/das: Need help understanding

All the definite articles can also be used as demonstrative pronouns, in which case they mean something like "that". So "Das ist die schönste Blume im Garten." is a good sentence. &...
wonderbear's user avatar
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Wie nutze ich viel im Superlativ (am meisten) vor dem Nomen?

"Meisten" ist keine Ausnahme. Der Wortstamm ist meist-, so wie der Wortstamm bei "das schnellste" schnellst- ist: Wir nehmen das schnellste Flugzeug. Bauer Antons Kühe geben die ...
HalvarF's user avatar
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"am meisten + Partizip 2" vs. "superlative of Partizip 2"

You can say both: Mündliche Prüfungen gehören zu den am meisten gefürchteten Prüfungen. Mündliche Prüfungen gehören zu den gefürchtetsten Prüfungen. "am meisten" is the superlative of &...
Angela's user avatar
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Clarification of a sentence with a pronoun-indefinite-definite article construction and superlativ?

In "eine der", the "der" indicates here a genitive in plural. Usually, a genitive can be raplaced by "von + dative", for instance der Hut meiner Schwester = der Hut ...
user1934428's user avatar
1 vote

What is "am" used for the Superlativ? (am besten)

In the second sentence you give, it should be Die Sonne ist am Untergehen. This is a nominalization of the verb untergehen and has nothing to do with the superlative. Generally, the am in the ...
c.p.'s user avatar
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Guidance on comparatives and superlatives with optional umlauts

As an Austrian native speaker, I'd opt for the Umlaut in most of these examples. Most definitely for 'schmäler'. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if other native speakers choose differently, or ...
Hulk's user avatar
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"am meisten + Partizip 2" vs. "superlative of Partizip 2"

"am meisten" is referring to "gefürchteten" (adverbial use) "gefürchtetsten" is referring to "Prüfungen" You can use either one. I agree with Angela, it sounds ...
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