I'd like to know how should we translate
"Don't be a wuss (or cry-baby)"
into German? Which of these options (Weichei, Feigling, Schlappschwanz, Waschlappen, Memme, Schwächling, Lulu) would be the correct one?
I'd like to know how should we translate
"Don't be a wuss (or cry-baby)"
into German? Which of these options (Weichei, Feigling, Schlappschwanz, Waschlappen, Memme, Schwächling, Lulu) would be the correct one?
I would use:
Sei keine Memme
You can find more words in leo.
Perhaps you could also use:
Reiß dich zusammen (Pull yourself together!)
The word Weichei
is the "mother" of all decending Weicheiwörter
A couple of years ago, there was quite some hype about these words and people came up with more and more synonyms for Weichei, as this textfile shows.
I guess you have expressions like that in other languages as well, but 3000 is really impressive, even though many of them are really far-fetched...
Ergänzung: Obiger Link funktioniert nicht mehr, hier ist etwas vergleichbares, sogar mit doppelt so vielen Begriffen.
I also suggest
"Stell Dich nicht so an!"
Refer to meanings 9 and 10 in the Wiktionary article for "anstellen".
I'd go with:
- Sei kein Weichei
- Sei kein Baby
- Sei kein Feigling
As an alternative to Weichei you can also say
Sei kein Waschlappen.
Wikipedia says that this word (literally: washing mitt) can be used to describe a person with weak spirit. As far as I know, it's only used for men.