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Dative pronoun when translating repeating personal pronoun sentence in English [duplicate]

I was always cold, I didn't swim in the lake often. Translation (acc. duolingo): Mir war immer kalt, Ich bin nicht oft im See geschwommen. Doubt: Why does first clause start with mir rather than ich? ...
Brian's user avatar
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When to use 'Ich bin', 'es geht mir', 'Ich habe' and 'mir ist'?

If you wanted to translate "I'm hot" into German, like "I'm burning up cause it's hot outside", it would translate to "Ich bin heiß" which has a bad connotation. So it is translated to "Mir ist heiß". ...
John's user avatar
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Why "mir", not "mein(e)" in phrase "mir aus den Augen"?

I've been trying to translate lyrics of the song "Sonne" by Rammstein, and I've found an interesting line: "Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Augen" which translates to: "The sun is shining out of my ...
Romulus's user avatar
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Kein Subjekt in »Mir wird schlecht«?

In dieser Frage kommt ein Satz mit diesem Aufbau vor: <Dativ-Objekt> <eine Form von sein oder werden> <Adjektiv>. nämlich: Julian wird etwas mulmig zumute. In diesem Beispiel ist ...
Hubert Schölnast's user avatar
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Was heißt "Ist mir zu warm?" auf Englisch?

Ist mir zu warm? Ich weiß alle der Wörter im Satz, aber ich verstehe die Bedeutung nicht. The reason I ask is because I’m unsure exactly how/why the dative case mir shows up. What could be done to/...
rob brown's user avatar
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Does position of nicht matter?

Suppose I want to say "I am not cold". I know this is "Ich bin nicht kalt". Is "Ich bin kalt nicht" also valid or is it incorrect? I ask because I often see "nicht" at the end of the sentence, but ...
user85798's user avatar
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Complete hidden form of the sentence Mir ist langweilig

As you know, German language includes many phrases in disguise which can cause confusion for some learners. The following sentence is an example: Mir ist langweilig (instead of Ich bin langweilig) ...
Nariman Asgharian's user avatar
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Why do you ask "ist dir kalt" but "bist du krank"? [duplicate]

When you are asking someone whether they are cold, you ask "ist dir kalt" instead of "bist du kalt", as you might expect. I understand this is because the question is dative. However, when you ask ...
Adam McKenna's user avatar
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Constructions with "ihm" [closed]

Could somebody explain the meanings and the usage of ihm in the following sentences. Tock! Mit einem harten Schlag fällt ihm das Buch auf den Kopf. Ihm ist, als könne er es jetzt noch spüren. Mit ...
user22276's user avatar
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«Ihr war ganz schwindlig»

I'm reading a small text, and I find this passage: Sie hat nicht aufgepasst und hat die Tür gegen den Kopf bekommen. Ihr war ganz schwindlig. The translation of the 1st sentence is more or less, &...
An old man in the sea.'s user avatar