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mancher + singular

I have read the following sentence in the subtitles at 1:46 in Vor so mancher Tür eines Wahllokals: Gewalt gegen ...
Alan Evangelista's user avatar
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Einige for singular and Einige for plural

I'm not able to understand when to use the single form of einige and when to use it in plural form. From my understanding einige can be used only in plural form. ...
Teo's user avatar
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Possessive pronouns vs personal pronouns in genitive [closed]

Seiner liegt auf dem Tisch. Sein liegt auf dem Tisch. Do you happen to know what is the difference in meaning between personal pronouns in genitive and possessive pronouns? Does the position of the ...
Rare's user avatar
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Does "Geht los!" mean the same as "Los geht's"? And is "Geht's los!" a wrong use of "'s", i.e. "es"? Why so?

I understand that Los geht's! means "It's on!" "Here we go!" ( Does Geht los! mean the same as Los geht's!? Is it incorrect to say Geht's los!? (i.e. 's is ...
Hammie C's user avatar
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Das, war vs es, war

Which should I use and when: das, was or es, was I've seen both being used as 'what', e.g Das, was ich habe, war schön. What I saw was beautiful. Which should you use?
lolad's user avatar
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How does “davon” differ from “von denen”?

In unserem Unterricht haben wir zehn Studenten, davon sind zwei Amerikaner. In unserem Unterricht haben wir zehn Studenten, von denen zwei Amerikaner sind. Is the use of davon and von denen correct ...
mub's user avatar
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How are “irgendjemand” and “irgendetwas” different from “jemand” and “etwas”? [duplicate]

Today I opened a dictionary to find that in German there is an irgend-version of most question words (wie, was, wer, wohin, etc.) that basically means a non-specific thing that the question word ...
Alexander Revo's user avatar
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»Welches/was ist der größte Tisch?« und »Welches/was sind deine besten Freunde?«

Ich lese Duden – Die Grammatik und auf Seite 308 (2.9.3 Interrogatives welcher)¹ habe ich die folgenden Beispiele gelesen: Welches ist der größte Tisch? Welches sind deine besten Freunde? Sofort ...
mle's user avatar
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Platzhalter vs. Stellvertreter

I see some sentences in German, where some say that es is a Platzhalter, while some say it is a Stellvertreter. Now I wonder, are these words interchangeable? For example, in the following sentence ...
user1474062's user avatar
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das ist vs. es ist [closed]

When do you use "das ist" instead of "es ist"? In questions is "das ist" more commonly used? I don't understand when to use "es ist" and when to use "das ist" in sentences and questions.
all's user avatar
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"alle" vs "all die"

(a) Ich muss heute Abend alle Hausaufgaben machen. (b) Ich muss heute Abend all die Hausaufgaben machen. Gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen den Bedeutungen von den beiden Sätzen? Drückt "all die&...
boaten's user avatar
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Usage of dabei and wobei

What do the words wobei and dabei mean? And what is the difference in their usage? Sie gab mir das Buch, wobei sie vermied, mich anzusehen. Sie gab mir das Buch, dabei vermied sie, mich anzusehen....
DerPolyglott33's user avatar
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Usage of "jed-", "jeglich-" and "jedwed-"

What is the difference between jedwed-, jeglich- and jed-? In my dictionary all three mean 'any'. And in what context are they used? Are they interchangeable?
DerPolyglott33's user avatar
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"es ist/sind" versus "da ist/sind" to mean there is/are

These two questions (1, 2) are close to what I’m trying to pin down. But I want to know if there is any significant difference between “es ist/sind” and “da ist/sind”. For example, I found these two ...
stillenat's user avatar
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Verwendung von »dieser« und »jener«

Ich habe bisher nicht oft dieser und jener sinnvoll verwendet, aber oft gelesen, dass dieser auf zeitlich und räumlich Näheres verweist als jener. Dies gilt auch für zeitlich näher Erwähntes in einem ...
k.stm's user avatar
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Why is “alle” used in “Diese Busse fahren *alle* fünfzehn Minuten” instead of “jede”?

I think in the following sentence, alle should be replaced with jede: Diese Busse fahren alle fünfzehn Minuten vom Hauptbahnhof ab. It means that the buses leave every fifteen minutes, doesn't it? ...
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