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59 votes

How bad does it sound in German *not* to separate separable verbs?

There are separable verbs in English, but they don't work exactly like German ones, so I'm going more by similarity of use and the effect of non-separation: *I upsign my daughter for a class. *My ...
Raketenolli's user avatar
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18 votes

Why is "Mädel" neuter, if it has a feminine referent?

You simply need to accept one of the quirks of German Grammar: biological and grammatical gender aren't connected - grammatical gender is very often not what you would assume and simply needs to be ...
tofro's user avatar
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16 votes

How bad does it sound in German *not* to separate separable verbs?

Separable verbs correspond to English phrasal verbs, so I imagine getting the order wrong would sound about as bad as getting the order wrong in a phrasal verb. For English, in most cases the sentence ...
RDBury's user avatar
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16 votes

What is this font called and how to study it

It's called "Fraktur" in German, or more general, "gebrochene Druckschrift", while in English it's often called Gothic print. Wikipedia has letter tables that you can use to learn ...
HalvarF's user avatar
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12 votes

I have a very hard time parsing long German sentences

Parser: This online parser is quite good: Another one can be found here: but you have to download and install it....
Hubert Schölnast's user avatar
12 votes

How bad does it sound in German *not* to separate separable verbs?

how wrong? Would a native understand it? Is it irritating the ears of a native speaker? To what degree? It would sound totally wrong, but we would understand it just fine. It would clearly show that ...
AnoE's user avatar
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How bad does it sound in German *not* to separate separable verbs?

While sounding wrong in 99% of all cases, this style can be validly (though exceptionally) used in what is called Telegrammstil, where you don't split prefixes in order to minimize word count. This ...
phipsgabler's user avatar
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11 votes

Was ist Unterschied zwischen sehen, ansehen, gucken und schauen?

Ein Problem bei der Unterscheidung ist die regionale Variation im Gebrauch dieser Verben: schauen ist eher süddeutsch; nach dem Atlas zur deutschen Alltagssprache benutzt man es häufig in Franken, ...
Ralf Joerres's user avatar
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10 votes

How can I better learn noun genders?

I've analyzed the data and made a visualization that helps to guide beginners about "guessing" gender of singular German nouns. Interactive Visulazation and notes, sources, etc The bigger ...
philshem's user avatar
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10 votes

Kann ich bitte sie ein paar fragen? but in a polite form

Hallo, ich bin Peter. correct wrong: Haben Sie eine minute fur mich? correct: Haben Sie eine Minute für mich? In German all nouns need to be capitalized: wrong: minute. correct: Minute The ...
Hubert Schölnast's user avatar
10 votes

The dative case - expressing the action of putting something on a table

German expresses the same thing that English distinguishes between in and into (or on and onto, as in your case) with accusative and dative case. In case your sentence describes a movement of an ...
tofro's user avatar
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9 votes

How should an Indian start learning German whose primary language is not English?

We have an institute called Goethe who's job is to "spread" the German language. They also have an Indian branch. I'd suggest you start there.
DisplayName's user avatar
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8 votes

Problem: listening comprehension improving steadily *except* for numbers

Mit Texttospeach-Software kann man sich leicht selbst Übungsmaterial produzieren. Beispielsweise erzeugt folgender Befehl zwei gesprochene Zahlen: echo "1927, siebenhunderacht" | espeak -v de --...
user unknown's user avatar
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8 votes

Monolingual German learner's dictionaries with small defining vocabulary

There are a few German dictionaries for learners that use a more restricted vocabulary than dictionaries for (adult) native speakers: Duden - Basiswörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache: according to ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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8 votes

Why do only some conjunctions push the verb to the end?

German knows about Hauptsätze (main clauses) and Nebensätze (subordinate clauses). Hauptsatz A typical German Hauptsatz, has the verb always in 2nd position (note that this doesn't mean the verb is ...
infinitezero's user avatar
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8 votes

What would you include in your German first lesson?

The question seems like it may be opinion based, and it's hard to judge whether an answer is correct or incorrect, and it's more about language learning in general than specifically about German. But ...
RDBury's user avatar
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7 votes

Why is "Mädel" neuter, if it has a feminine referent?

Noun gender is a grammatical property first. Inanimate objects occur in all three genders. der Löffel, das Messer, die Gabel Conversely, nouns referring to human beings occur in all genders. der ...
David Vogt's user avatar
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6 votes

'Jemand hat seinen' or 'jemand hat ihren'?

Beide Varianten sind möglich, können aber je nach Sprechsituation etwas anderes bedeuten. Zunächst einmal: Mein, dein, sein, ihr, unser, euer sind besitzanzeigende Fürwörter. Welches besitzanzeigende ...
Björn Friedrich's user avatar
6 votes

Obtaining same-grade German language texts for bilingual child who left Germany

If your friend can name the textbooks her daughter uses, you should be able to just normally order them at any German book store (online or offline). The books used in German schools are published and ...
HalvarF's user avatar
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6 votes

How bad does it sound in German *not* to separate separable verbs?

As a non-native speaker, I remember my German teacher at school giving us examples of verbs with prefixes where there are both separable and non-separable versions with different meanings. This is ...
Graham's user avatar
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6 votes

'Nachdem Inge das Fleisch in der Pfanne verbrannt ist, [ ... ].' Why do we use 'ist' instead of 'hat' here?

It's a different subject of the sentence if you use "hat". It might be hard to see for a German learner because of the order of words and because the case of the name "Inge" isn't ...
HalvarF's user avatar
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6 votes

"abgekatertes Spiel" synonym mit "abgekartetes Spiel"?

Der Postillion ist eine Satire-Website, die erfundene Artikel veröffentlicht. Oder wie die Macher selbst es in der FAQ formulieren: Stimmt das, was im Postillon steht? Nein, alles, was im Postillon ...
Henning Kockerbeck's user avatar
5 votes

Difference between zuerst and erste

"Zuerst" is used as "doing something first, before something else". It can be shortened to "erst". "Erste", however, means "the first" and it can only be used if a woman is first. Therefore, these ...
wibbi's user avatar
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5 votes

Equivalent of Globish in German

First, I think that those employers were confusing Globish or International English with either Basic English (originally proposed by C. K. Ogden) or Joachim Grzega's Basic Global English. Ogden's ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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5 votes

When can a phrase be put after the "second" verb?

Du musst mir helfen, das zu verstehen. Du musst zum Geschäft gehen. You are looking for a construction using helfen as a modal verb. Such a thing exists in German: Du musst mir verstehen helfen. ...
Janka's user avatar
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5 votes

How to study for certificate B1 exam?

You could start by trying to solve the model papers available on Goethe institute website. Once you know your weak spots, you can then focus on making them better with grammar practice books. It may ...
Divya Seernani's user avatar
5 votes

Are there any resources to learn German using the 10000-sentence method?

First a note of scepticims (but not regarding the method, rather regarding the question): I really sympathize with the method and believe that it can be powerful. However, I think your question ...
Christian Geiselmann's user avatar
5 votes

When to use viertel vor sechs and when to use drei viertel sechs?

The other answers here are trying to make things far more complicated than they need be for a beginner. viertel nach fünf halb sechs viertel vor sechs will be understood everywhere in the ...
PiedPiper's user avatar
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What resource should I use to learn enough German language to understand a movie scene?

There's two ways to approach this: Go to the your local Open University, a commercial language school, whatever, and book a German course. Start with A1, proceed to at least B2 level, then come back ...
tofro's user avatar
  • 66.4k
5 votes

Difference between "Seite öffnen" and "Öffne die Seite"

The two phrases do not have the same meaning. The first, "öffnen", is the infinitive. It just describes in an abstract way the act of opening. It is also not a complete sentence but may form ...
Tilman Schmidt's user avatar

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