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11 votes

Deutsche Wörter für zwei spezifische technische Begriffe (Programmierung): inlining, unswitching

Meines Wissens gibt es für die meisten derartigen fachspezifischen Begriffe keine etablierte deutsche Entsprechung. Ich würde daher, wenn der anzuwendende Styleguide (noch so ein Begriff ;) ) es ...
Henning Kockerbeck's user avatar
9 votes

What's the article of Software Development Kit (SDK)?

The article of an abbreviation is defined by its "main" word. In SDK it's "kit". And according to Duden both der and das are correct.
Eller's user avatar
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8 votes

What's the article of Software Development Kit (SDK)?

Although according to Duden both "das" and "der" can be used I would always say "das Kit". First of all I used it all my life and secondly "der Kitt" is a kind of glue. I know that is not a scientific ...
user9's user avatar
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7 votes

Translating "timeliness" in the context of software performance

Die Performanz gibt an, wie gut ein Softwaresystem oder eine Softwarekomponente die zeitlichen Vorgaben erfüllt. You may also interpret timely as a synonym for up-to-date, which translates to aktuell....
Björn Friedrich's user avatar
7 votes

Maschinelle Suche nach Grundform von Wörtern

Das ist jetzt recht technisch und etwas allgemeiner, aber... was du suchst ist wahrscheinlich ein Stemmer oder Lemmatizer. Gibts zB. als Go-Library (habe ich nur auf die Schnelle ergoogelt, aber mit ...
phipsgabler's user avatar
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6 votes

"Committer" in the context of software development

As a German native speaker and software developer I recommend using the word "Committer" in German as well. It's well-known and there is no proper translation in this context. In a profile like those ...
C. L.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Maschinelle Suche nach Grundform von Wörtern

Lemmatisierung: Meine Empfehlung wäre der snowball stemmer. Es gibt u.a. ein Python interface. Auf der alten Seite von snowball findet man Beispiele für die deutsche Sprache inkl. Vokabular. ...
mike's user avatar
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4 votes

Tool for German grammar?

It is not so hard, because dative and accusative are always very different: With bestimmten Artikel, there is always difference (den-dem, die-der, das-dem, die-den). Similarly with unbestimmten ...
peterh's user avatar
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Translating "timeliness" in the context of software performance

The used translation for the Information timeliness (or the timeliness of the information) is Aktualität der Information A quote from a respected source Aktualität der Information erfasst die ...
Ad Infinitum's user avatar
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4 votes

What are the expectations for German search behavior in software?

Make it as broadly as possible, but be reasonable. The best user experience would be to type in "Gefaskrankheit" and your app knows its "Gefäßkrankheit" despite the input typo. But you are not Google ...
mtwde's user avatar
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3 votes

What's the article of Software Development Kit (SDK)?

Wie ich schon in einem Kommentar dargelegt habe, willst du vermutlich nicht den Artikel, sondern das grammatische Geschlecht wissen. »Software Development Kit« ist ein zusammengesetzter Begriff. Für ...
Hubert Schölnast's user avatar
2 votes

Maschinelle Suche nach Grundform von Wörtern

Ich glaube schon, dass Dein Ansatz aus bereits zur Verfügung stehenden Wortlisten, z.B. aus Open Source Bereichen, funktionieren sollte, und im ersten Schritt einfacher ist als der grammatische Weg ...
Philm's user avatar
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2 votes

Word-reminder software – how do you remember the words?

There are three tricks IMO: 1.) Focus on the most frequently used words in German — not so much point in spending your early learning-time on fringe vocab to describe mermaids or friezes. 2.) Learn ...
2 votes

What are the expectations for German search behavior in software?

Obviously, what everyone would expect is a pure literal search - Return exactly what was searched for. In case you target for something more, you can, however, open up a can of worms: Simple thing is ...
tofro's user avatar
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2 votes

Umschreiben von alter in neue Rechtschreibung

1999 gab es einen Vergleichsartikel in der c't Unter anderem damals besprochen (grob absteigend nach Wertung): Corrigo 1.0 (CLT Sprachtechnologie Saarbrücken, Professioneller Anspruch, Preis damals ...
HalvarF's user avatar
  • 28.2k
2 votes

Sie bezahlen [für?] die Bestellung per PayPal

Simply: yes, they are all correct and equivalent. (Well, paying by PayPal and paying by credit card are not the same thing of course, so they're not equivalent in that respect.) For Paypal, I would ...
HalvarF's user avatar
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2 votes

Simulating the English "ch" with German text to speech engine

"Tschabbi" should come close. I have asked Markus to say that and it sounded acceptable to my ears.
tofro's user avatar
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1 vote

What are the expectations for German search behavior in software?

Both should be possible. Although 99% of all German users have German keyboards you must enable the search for users not having a German keyboard. The simple search shall not find "mussen" if you ...
äüö's user avatar
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1 vote

Which German language newspapers offer APIs?

DPA (Deutsche Presseagentur, the main news provider in Germany) offers an API (obviously, payable). AFP (Agence France Press, the DPA's French counterpart), also offers (payable) APIs for News in ...
tofro's user avatar
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1 vote

What are the expectations for German search behavior in software?

I'll be answering your questions from 3 to 1, because I have the feeling that this way the answers can build upon each other. The "ß" is not equivalent to "ss". These are two different letters. ...
QueensKnight's user avatar
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1 vote

Maschinelle Suche nach Grundform von Wörtern

Ich beantworte meine eigene Frage, weil ich ja selbst auch nach einer Antwort suche, und einen aktuellen Stand meiner Nachforschungen bekanntgeben will, damit andere, die versuchen die Frage zu ...
Hubert Schölnast's user avatar
1 vote

German learning apps for Google Android

I can recommend Goethe A1 Deutschtrainer. It contains several game sets, where you can learn german in a playful way.
1 vote

"Service disruption" in the context of botnets/malware

Als möglichst kurze Übersetzung schlage ich vor: Botnetze werden benutzt, um Dienste zu stören. Dass die Botnetze andere Dienste, nicht sich selbst, stören wollen, versteht sich von selbst. Das ...
user unknown's user avatar
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1 vote

"Service disruption" in the context of botnets/malware

I would focus on fluency in the target language, rather than trying to find a single term that works as a translation of an English term in all contexts. DDoS-Angriffe or DDoS-Attacken is perfectly ...
Adam Bittlingmayer's user avatar
1 vote

"Service disruption" in the context of botnets/malware

Looking for a generic term for denial of service attacks? Maybe Botnetze verursachen Serverdienstblockaden Botnetze lancieren Überlast[ungs]angriffe [auf Server] / Dienstblockadeangriffe Botnetze ...
Pollitzer's user avatar
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