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What is the function of "als" in this sentence being confused about it

(eines Trauerspiels) als womit es verwandter Natur ist The sentence is a relative clause introduced by womit; als does not serve any function here and would not be accepted in present-day German. A ...
David Vogt's user avatar
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A site where I can find antonyms of german words?

A little bit of searching around found: Wörterbuch der Gegenteile (deutsch) Gegenteile finden (deutsch) OpenThesaurus (deutsch) The last one seems to be quite lacking from a first glance. As a non-...
bakunin's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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What is a "Chemikalie"

Your question is not about the meaning, but about the connotations of the word. It looks like you stumbled across a cultural concept which you have not encountered outside of German language. I was ...
Jonathan Herrera's user avatar
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What is a "Chemikalie"

I disagree with Janka. We might argue what the definition of a technical process is. Of course, the substance doesn't change if it is used in a technical process, nor does it depend on being in such a ...
user unknown's user avatar
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What is a "Chemikalie"

The word die Chemikalie is only used for substances that are a product or intermediate product of technical processes. Everything that can be found in nature is die Substanz. The latter is an umbrella ...
Janka's user avatar
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11 votes

What does "Ganz wirklich ehrlich" mean in this context?

I would translate the phrase here as "totally for realz, trust me". This matches the original in two important aspects: It doesn't adhere to formal grammar, but is readily understood by ...
Arno's user avatar
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8 votes

What does "Ganz wirklich ehrlich" mean in this context?

You seem to have not noticed the "+"-sign in between. This is stands for "und" (and) and the whole is a sort-of pun: Reading is fun - quite really (and) honestly What makes it (...
bakunin's user avatar
  • 12.1k
2 votes

Unterschied zwischen "ähnlich", "wie" und "ähnlich wie"?

aber was genau bedeutet „Gleichheit“ in diesem Zusammenhang? Sprache besteht nicht nur aus Lautäußerungen ("Wortschatz") und den Regeln, wie man diese abändert ("Grammatik"), ...
bakunin's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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Das habe ich der Polizei so oft gesagt

If that was directly translated to English, it would still make sense with 'often' implying habitual repetition - "I told the police that so often", ie. 'I told the police that regularly ...
Arbace's user avatar
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4 votes

Unterschied zwischen "Du hast keine vier Arme" und "Du hast nicht vier Arme"

Grundsätzlich bedeuten beide Sätze das selbe und der Unterschied liegt bestenfalls in Nuancen. Du hast nicht vier Arme ist lediglich die Verneinung eines bestimmten Umstands. Wieviel Arme der ...
bakunin's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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When to use "bezahlen" and when "zahlen"?

In Swiss German "bezahlen" does not exist and "zahlen" is used in all situations mentioned in the other answers - without causing any confusion. Therefore I consider the two verbs ...
SolvedZi's user avatar
5 votes

die Regeln reinziehen

sich etwas reinziehen is a slang expression that roughly translates to "to consume something" (stemming as you correctly assumed from the literal meaning "to pull something into oneself&...
Jonathan Herrera's user avatar
  • 17.4k

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