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Questions tagged [vowel]

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10 votes
3 answers

Minimal pair /u/ and /ʊ/

I notice the pronunciation of "Kommunismus" contains two distinct phonemes: /u/ and /ʊ/, which seem to form a minimal pair. It seems to me the letter "u" without the umlaut ...
desmo's user avatar
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4 answers

Indicate vowel hiatus in non-German family name

I have a non-German family name structurally similar to Meyer. People often mispronounce the ey as ay1. Can I use a vowel hiatus to indicate the desired pronunciation with e and y? Is Mёyer correct? I ...
mike's user avatar
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3 answers

A word with several long vowels?

The grammar says that a German vowel is long if it is followed by a single consonant. So I think this word * Ökologie* should be pronounced as /ø ː ko ː lo ː ɡiː/, because every vowel in it is ...
nye's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

List of words that demonstrate all German consonant and vowel sounds

Is there a list of words that demonstrates all German consonant and vowel sounds, including the rule that applies and its IPA representation? For example: short and long vowels diphthongs ending d ...
craig's user avatar
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1 answer

Warum das 'e' manchmal wie 'i' klingt

Wenn ein Wort zwei "e" in Silben zusammen hat, wird das erste oft "i", B.s: verstehen = vastihen ausgesprochen. Warum? Ist es der Beginn der Trennung der Buchstaben- und Vokallaute ...
Sandra M.'s user avatar
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Why do the Swiss pronounce Schweiz "Schweez"?

Die Schweiz means Switzerland. "Ei" is pronounced "eye" in German, which means Schweiz should be pronounced "Schw-eye-z". However, the Swiss pronounce their country "...
user610620's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Are there short diphtongs in German? When is the <ch> sound altered? [closed]

I know that in German there are long and short versions of "a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "ä", "ö", "ü", but are there long ...
User's user avatar
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1 answer

German vowel charts with phonetic accuracy [closed]

German vowel charts used in the wikipedia article Standard German phonology do not locate vowels with great details. For example German [e] is a bit higher than the IPA [e] or tense vowel [e:] is not ...
Houman's user avatar
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2 answers

Last "e" sound in schreiben

IPA says [ˈʃʀaɪ̯bn̩] Is the "e" here fully suppressed? I thought there supposed to be a schwa sound here. It sounds "schreibn". The same with the verbs machen and lachen in IPA it shows no schwa. ...
Tomas's user avatar
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1 answer

Gibt es ein Minimalpaar für /ʏ/ und /ə/?

Der Titel sagt eigentlich alles. Ich weiß, dass es diese beiden Listen gibt, die aber vielleicht nicht jedem bekannt sind. Liste deutscher Minimalpaare, Wie viele Vokale gibt es im Deutschen? Die ...
corvus_192's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Wie viele Vokale gibt es im Deutschen?

Wie viele verschiedene Vokale lassen sich im gesprochenen Deutsch voneinander unterscheiden? Ich habe nach der Anzahl der Vokale im gesprochenen Deutsch im Internet gesucht, und habe eine Liste ...
Hubert Schölnast's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

Pronunciation of "Ü"

I have trouble pronouncing ü. It sounds more like jü when I say it in words, like fjür instead of für. If I were to be talking to people, would it be better or more understandable to unround it and ...
Scott Clendenin's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Verben mit den meisten Vokalwechseln

Es gibt viele Verben mit sechs Vokalwechseln. Da ich kein Sprachforscher bin, verwende ich den Begriff Vokalwechsel wahrscheinlich falsch – ich meine damit: helfen [Infinitiv] half [Präteritum] ...
rxmnnxfpvg's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

How can I distinguish the short sounds [​ɪ] and [e]?

The sound [​ɪ] is said to be more open than [i] and so is [e]. I have no difficulty in distinguishing between [i] and [e], or between [i] and [I]; however, I can hardly distinguish between [​ɪ] and [e]...
Eunice's user avatar
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3 answers

Größte Menge deutscher Wörter, deren Aussprache sich nur durch Variation eines Vokals unterscheidet

Ich suche eine möglichst große Liste von deutschen Wörtern, deren Aussprache sich nur durch Variation eines Vokals bzw. Polyphthongs (Diphthong usw.) unterscheidet, also das größte deutsche ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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5 answers

Semantische Vokalvielfalt

Mit semantischer Vokalvielfalt meine ich sinnvolle Wörter, die sich nur an einem Polyphthong (Vokal, Diphthong, Triphthong, auch inklusive Dehnungs-e, aber nicht Hiat) unterscheiden. Die Aussprache ...
Toscho's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Bifurcation of the "ei" vowel in Yiddish: why?

In Yiddish, about half the "ei" words are pronounced the same as German (mein, sein, drei...) but the others shift to an "ey" sound (rhymes with "day"): éins, zwéi, kléin… We had a discussion here (...
Marty Green's user avatar
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What's the difference between Umlaut and Ablaut?

This is a follow-up question of What is an “Ablaut”?, and I was going to answer this in a comment there, but thought asking a new question and answering that properly might be the better way to go: ...
fifaltra's user avatar
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2 answers

'y' as a vowel in German

I encountered the word "Typ" (en:type) which has a 'y' serving as a vowel; in this case a 'ü', I believe. Is this a singular case or are there more words in which 'y' is used as a vowel?
iddober's user avatar
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1 answer

What is an “Ablaut”?

My understanding is that Umlaut represents the diacritical marks over a, o, u, etc. But what is an Ablaut? The topic came up in the comments on this question.
Tom Au's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Wie wird das e in „Genus“ ausgesprochen?

Wiktionary bietet zwei unterschiedliche Aussprachen für den Vokal im Wort „Genus“: /ˈɡɛnʊs/ (wie „Bett“) /ˈɡeːnʊs/ (wie „Meer“) Bei und LEO werden die Hörbeispiele nur mit /ɛ/ ausgesprochen. ...
Tim's user avatar
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