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Jonathan Komar's user avatar
Jonathan Komar
  • Member for 11 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
11 votes

Gender of German rivers?

7 votes

List of 1000+ (most common) German nouns with plural form

6 votes

Genitiv von Fallnamen

6 votes

Why isn't accusative used in the sentence "Wann macht der Supermarkt auf?"

4 votes

What's the function of 'es' in this phrase?

3 votes

How is a sentence constructed in German where the direct object takes an action?

3 votes

Is there an idiomatic equivalent for "polyglot"?

3 votes

Wann benutzt man "Für drei Tage", "von drei Tage" und "drei Tage"?

2 votes

Most efficient way to learn German?

2 votes

Is there a German-English dictionary in PDF (or that works offline)?

2 votes

German version of an American "muscle car"?

2 votes

Does -istisch, -ismisch translate to -istic, -ismic?

2 votes

»mit nach Hause nehmen« – grammatikalische Analyse

0 votes

Should I use "für" in "Ich gehe für zwei Wochen zurück nach Hause"

0 votes

What is the difference in the use of "von" and "des/der" as genitive?

0 votes

What is an accurate translation for "I just wanted to run this by you..."?

0 votes

Friendly Greetings

0 votes

Is there a common alternative to "hinein" and "herein" that does not reference the speaker's location?

0 votes

"ich" and "mich" in same sentence