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What is Duden telling us here?

Duden gives the following examples for the use of verletzen: ich habe mich am Kopf verletzt ich habe mir das Bein verletzt Why is the reflexive pronoun accusative in the first and dative in the ...
user44591's user avatar
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how to use haben and worden_sein in a sentence

i am learning germam and my current proficiency level is B1 in this link: the following two sentences ...
Amrmsmb's user avatar
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Please explain the cases in a given sentence [closed]

I came across this sentence on a YouTube video: Lisa bringt morgen ihrem Vater das Geld. It was mentioned that ihrem Vater takes Dativ and das Geld takes Accusative. I do not understand the cases of ...
Emily John's user avatar
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Does case induced by prepositions follow the direct/indirect/subject pattern?

Suppose we take dative case, a common definition given in early German teachings is: Case used to express direction towards an indirect object, the receiver, and is generally indicated in English by ...
Brian's user avatar
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Why "erholsamen" and not "erholsames"? [closed]

Why "erholsamen" and not "erholsames" given that "Wochenende" is neuter? Which is correct? Nach einem erholsamen Wochenende begann er seine Arbeit am Montag mit neuem ...
user20396712's user avatar
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Android app for verb and case

I am fairly fluent in German (B2 with "Sehr Gut" and a few C1 conversation courses) but I still sometimes struggle deciding whether to use the dative or accusative case. Could someone ...
Steve's user avatar
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In Deutschland gibt es ja die Vorwärtsschreibweise eines Namens (also mit Vorname/Nachname) und die Rückwärtsschreibweise (also mit Nachname, Vorname). Wenn die Vorwärtsschreibweise lautet "Dr. ...
BitKFu's user avatar
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der anderen oder des anderen?

Ich bin etwas verwirrt über die Verwendung des Genitivs. Welcher Satz ist richtig und was ist der Unterschied zwischen ihnen? Das Wohl der anderen ist mir wichtiger als mein eigenes. Die Freiheit ...
FD KM's user avatar
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Use of comparative adjectives and adverbs

Want to apologise for being a nuisance. Have another question if I may. Here are two sentences from my grammar book: Welcher Junge ist am stärksten? Welcher Junge ist der stärkste? Regarding the ...
Dr.Doom's user avatar
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"An einem heißem, aber glücklichem Dienstag"-is this correct? [duplicate]

So I'm making my first tentative steps with German output and thus, have been trying to generate sentences of my own. Here is one An einem heißem, aber glücklichem Dienstag während des Sommers stieg ...
Dr.Doom's user avatar
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Wieso wird aus "die Seite" plötzlich "der Seite" in folgendem Satz?

Ich bin gerade am Korrigieren eines deutschen Textes einer Freundin und meinte, dass es nicht "oben links auf die Loginseite" sondern "oben links auf der Loginseite" ist. Als ...
skkrrea's user avatar
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Does this sentence make sense in German? (Was kaufen Sie Herrn Braun?)

Does this sentence make sense in German? Was kaufen Sie Herrn Braun? Does it mean the following? What are you buying for Mr. Braun? I think the n in Herrn is a sign of dative.
Nariman Asgharian's user avatar
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Use of fractions with nouns of measurement

Here is a sentence Er verfehlte den Rekord um ein Viertel einer Sekunde. Firstly, is "einer Sekunde" used in the Genitive or Dative case in this context and why? Secondly, I read that one ...
Dr.Doom's user avatar
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Ich verstehe ein Nomen eines Satzes nicht, bitte um Hilfe

Konsequenz war eine Bedingung richtigen, logischen Denkens, und wo immer in den unterschiedlichen philosophischen Theorien der Tradition deren Anfänge lagen, die Folgerungen wurden nicht willkürlich ...
Bandabi's user avatar
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Name of Neues Museum

Does the Neues Museum in Berlin actually have a standard name? In German, I see it as "des Neuen Museums", "Im Neuem Museum", "Das Neue Museum", where apparently to me &...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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benutzen require dative or accusative case?

Writing a piece of German, using the verb benutzen. Does the verb verb benutzen require dative case? Looked the verb up in Duden dictionary but cannot work it out.
John Lamb's user avatar
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Why is it "erster Teil"?

I'm beginning to read my first book in German (I haven't taken any courses on the language, just Duolingo, but it's not too helpful) and I am wondering why it titles the first part with "erster ...
valkyriebel's user avatar
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"Eine" oder "Einer der zentralen Szenen"?

Als Einleitung zu einer Interpretation von Faust schrieb ich "Einer der zentralen Szenen ist die Szene 'Marthens Garten'." Nun behaupten einige, dass "eine" korrekt wäre, aber - ...
zvavybir's user avatar
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Why is it "Was fehlt Ihnen?" and not "Was fehlen Ihnen?"

When using the formal form of you, "Sie", we conjugate the verb in the third person plural, regardless if the "Sie" refers to a singular or plural subject. "Ihnen" is the ...
user55819's user avatar
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"Ein halbes Kilo Kaffee" - welcher Kasus ist "Kaffee" hier?

Ich habe keine Ahnung welcher Kasus ist "Kaffee" in dieser Phrase: "ein halbes Kilo Kaffee". Ich dachte, es sollte Genitiv sein, aber warum denn nicht "ein halbes Kilo Kaffees&...
marmarta's user avatar
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Erklärung von "ihr bestehen lassen"

Kafka hat Folgendes in der Erzählung "Entschlüsse" geschrieben: Deshalb bleibt doch der beste Rat, alles hinzunehmen, als schwere Masse sich verhalten und fühle man sich selbst fortgeblasen,...
cruthers's user avatar
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Why is the dative case used here when a target is involved?

Why is dative used in this sentence? Ich muss am Zoo umsteigen. There is movement to a destination, which I think should be accusative.
Robyn El-Bardai's user avatar
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Relative Pronouns

I am really struggling with relative pronouns (when to use which relative pronoun). Can anyone please help me? (give me some quick ways to know when to use which relative pronoun) I get confused ...
lail lifey's user avatar
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Bedeutung von Genitiv + Adjektiv + werden

Aus Das Parfum von Patrick Süskind: Grenouille wirkte damit [d. h. mit einem neuen selbstgemachten Duft] – auch wenn er unrasiert, finsterer Miene und bemantelt auftrat – wie ein armer blasser Bub, ...
cruthers's user avatar
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"dieses kleinen Kobolds" – Why kleinen if Genitive?

A phrase from a movie is Der Wald ist die Urheimat dieses kleinen Kobolds. Kobolds is Genitive case, there is an s at the end. The same for dieses. But why is it kleinen and not kleines?
Natalya's user avatar
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When and how do you use "Letzter" (masculin nominativ strong declension)

letzte (no predicative form, strong nominative masculine singular letzter, not comparable) Wiki I am trying to figure out, as the title suggests, when you use Letzter when its not feminin or plural. ...
nisse26a's user avatar
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Is this phrase in apposition?

Attempting to translate this sentence from Asimov's, I, Robot: Donovan had time for one startled gasp as he felt himself lifted from the floor and carried up the stairs at a pace rather better than a ...
user44591's user avatar
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keine E-Mails gab - is it singular or plural?

Ich kann mir kaum vorstellen, dass es früher keine E-Mails gab. keine E-Mails gab - I don't understand the form of this phrase. Is E-Mails plural? If yes, why gab instead gaben? If it is Singular, ...
user43436's user avatar
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Dative form of "mein" for "Restaurant"

Ok, I don't get this. ich lade sie in mein Lieblingsrestaurant ein This is what I know: "Mein" is a possessive article. Restaurant is "neuter" (das Restaurant) For "...
Enrique Moreno Tent's user avatar
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Da and dessen in "da bin ich mir sicher" and "Dessen bin ich mir sicher"

Today I came across 2 sentences like this "Da bin ich mir sicher" and "Dessen bin ich mir sicher" What do "Da" and "Dessen" mean in these and please tell me if ...
MonsterX's user avatar
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Why is the genitive case considered higher register?

It is often complained about that the genitive case is replaced more and more by the dative case (*wegen dem Wetter,*den Opfern gedacht, *wegen mir, trotz), both in speech and, more recently, in print....
Bubaya's user avatar
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When to use "weil" and when to use "obwohl"? [closed]

Zum Wassertrinken müssen die Giraffen ihre Beine weit auseinander stellen, weil/obwohl sie so einen langen Hals haben. Which one is correct between the sentence, weil or obwohl? It is somehow logical ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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sich einer Sache (Gen.) erinnern?

Ein Satz aus Dem Parfum von Patrick Süskind: Zehntausend, hunderttausend spezifische Eigengerüche hatte er gesammelt und hielt sie zu seiner Verfügung, so deutlich, so beliebig, daß er sich nicht nur ...
cruthers's user avatar
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From a linguistic PoV, do we know why Akkusativ only changes the masculine? [closed]

From an academic/historical/linguistic perspective, is there any interesting background for why a case that only changes one gender remained in the language and did not become disused? Pardon my ...
maligree's user avatar
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uns’rer Liebe Kinder schenken, Why is it uns'rer? and What does uns'rer mean?

We are doing a lip-sync opera in the Christmas event :). And it's good to have a place I can ask native Germans about these things and I'm grateful to people giving me answers. In Mozart's Opera '...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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Viel(es???) Glück [duplicate]

I just don't understand the concept here. We have the noun, das Glück. It should be in akusativ form when its used with "viel". And neutral akusativ form for viel is vieles... How come we ...
Sol_is_here's user avatar
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How can I tell the case of *der alten Frau* in this sentence?

I am following the book German for Reading: A Programmed Approach and on page 200 there is a question asking the case of the bold word in the following sentence: Keiner wird der alten Frau die ...
HanXu's user avatar
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"guter gesundheitlicher Versorgung" why 'er'?

„Viele Menschen genießen dank finanzieller Absicherung durch das Rentensystem und guter gesundheitlicher Versorgung ihr Rentnerdasein.“ In this sentence I cannot understand why adjectives - 'guter' ...
MoinGerman's user avatar
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Grammatical Structure of "ins"

Lass uns ins sonnige Griechenland fahren! What excactly is "ins" here? In + das ? We have Griechenland as feminine. Danke!
Maria Partsi's user avatar
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Accusative and dative?

Why do we use the accusative "ihn" in the following sentence: Sie machen ihn wütend. But the dative "ihm" in the following? Sie machen ihm Angst. Thanks.
saslearner 's user avatar
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Ambiguity in determining the owner of a genitive personal pronoun

I am new to German and am confused about the genitive personal pronoun. When considering the following sentence (from the Bible): Er gab ihn seiner Mutter. which is translated into He gave him to ...
HanXu's user avatar
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Der Fall ist hier Akkusativ? Der ganze Satz zeigt Akkusativ?

Ich lerne momentan mit dem Buch Das Ende der Megamaschine Deutsch. Mit diesem Satz haben wir Akkusativ Maskulin? Mit der schwindenden Fähigkeit der Megamaschine, den Menschen eine Zukunftsperspektive ...
PipRosi's user avatar
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Why are sometimes the subject and object in the same case? [duplicate]

Er ist ein sehr lustiger Clown. I am confused by the above sentence. Why is "lustiger Clown" in nominative case? I think it should be einen lustiger Clown because "lustiger Clown" ...
Brian's user avatar
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Why the dative "ihrem" instead of the nominative "ihrer" or the accusative "ihren"?

In the following sentence, why the dative "ihrem" instead of the nominative "ihrer" or the accusative "ihren"? How do we know that we are supposed to use the dative case ...
GermanStudent's user avatar
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"auf den" or "auf dem" Weg?

Translating this sentence from Asimov's I, Robot: And as they plunged into the ruined substation on the way back to the tunnels, Donovan said grimly: I could not decide on either "auf den Weg&...
user44591's user avatar
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Why "dieser" and not "diese"?

In the following sentence, why do we write "dieser" and not "diese"? "Kleinstadt" is a feminine noun and the verb "entkommen" suggests that we are dealing with ...
GermanStudent's user avatar
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Can't tell if "Sie" means she or they in this specific sentence [duplicate]

I've recently started learning german. Some basic grammar and the difference between "sie" and "Sie" is sometimes confusing, especially in a weird exercise like this: "Sie ...
PotatoBrain's user avatar
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Adjektivdeklination in komplexer Nominalphrase

Mir ist nicht klar, ob es im folgenden Satz erworbenen oder erworbenem heißen muss. Ich erhoffe mir, meine zuvor in der Industrie erlangten Kenntnisse mit dem in meiner Promotion erworbenen / ...
user3352632's user avatar
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Is this sentence from the Duden Grammatik saying that "von" always conveys a direction?

On page 62 of Die Duden Grammatik, it says: Während der Dativ, wenn er eine Opposition zum Akkusativ bildet, für die Bezeichnung der Ruhelage verwendet wird, kennzeichnen einige Präpositionen, die ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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adjective endings for "guten Tag"

I'm trying to make sense of article endings. In a German course I find: Heute ist ein großer Tag! Today is a wonderful day But then people greet each other with Guten Tag! So why is it -er in the ...
WobblyWindows's user avatar

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